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Creating a photo story
Active listening
Tell learners you are going to tell them a great short story. Read out - 'A goes out. A meets B. A likes B a lot. B not interested. A goes home'
Ask them-
Who do you think A and B are?
Did you enjoy the story? Why? Why not?
How could you make the story more interesting? (more detail, more exciting ending, etc)
What structure does a short story have? (Beginning, middle and end)
Explain that learners will create a photo story later on, but first they will need to create a simple storyline. To set the scene, they should answer the following questions-
In small groups or pairs, have learners create their own simple story. They might wish to create a storyboard or write notes but discorage them from writing full sentences.
Learners use their cell phone cameras to take a maximum of 7 photos to tell their story. They can feature in the story themselves, or can get creative with other options (e.g. drawing characters to use)
When all photos are ready, have them upload the pictures to a photo story creator, e.g. Roxio PhotoShow. Using this, learners should add speech bubbles and thought bubbles to help convey the story. When they are finished, they should publish the stories and send a link to the teacher.
Show all of the photo stories. Have learners vote on their favourite one.
Save these photo stories; they can be used as a framework for writing a full text in the future.